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  • Down in the valley (English Corner)

    Down in the valley (English Corner)

    There is a lot to like in this rather long and sometimes melodramatic picture of growing up in the San Fernando Valley. It is a struggle for many families. Wade is trying, not too successfully, to bring up his precocious adolescent daughter Tobe (short for October) and shy son Lonnie. Into their lives comes a genial cowboy. Tobe falls in (…)
  • The King (English Corner)

    The King (English Corner)

    The central character’s name is Elvis but his behaviour is not that of a king. Rather, this is a Texan reworking of a genre popular in the 1960s and 1970s where a seemingly angelic stranger ingratiates himself with a family and then proceeds to change them one by one, sometimes redemptively, otherwise malevolently. Pasolini’s Teorema is the (…)
  • Une fois que tu es né... (English Corner)

    Une fois que tu es né... (English Corner)

    A worthy film. A rather romanticised picture of boat people, conned by smugglers, crammed on to a broken down boat and, finally, left drifting in the Mediterranean. They receive a reasonable welcome to Italy although much of it is makeshift as authorities process the refugees. However, this comes only after 40 minutes where we are (…)
  • Cache (English Corner)

    Cache (English Corner)

    Le Cache is so good that Michael Haneke can be called a master-filmmaker. His insights into violence and the media came powerfully through in Benny’s Video and Funny Games. Deeper themes were intriguingly presented in Code Inconnu and The Piano Teacher. He took a different road in the apocalyptic Time of the Wolf. Now he is back in suburban (…)
  • Delwende ( Lève toi et marche)

    Delwende ( Lève toi et marche)

    50 ans après le cri d’alarme de René Dumont, l’Afrique Noire resterait-elle mal partie ? C’est le sentiment que nous donne dans sa rage et dans son désespoir un de ses fils burkinabé, seul représentant de son continent au festival cette année. Comme l’avait déjà si talentueusement déployé devant nos yeux l’an dernier son aîné sénégalais (…)