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  • L'enfant (English Corner)

    L’enfant (English Corner)

    The Dardenne Brothers know Liege and its environs well. They know the life of the working classes and the unemployed. They have been in the territory of L’Enfant before, with their Cannes award-winning Rosetta. It is something of a surprise to see them return there after the powerful complexities of Le Fils. In fact, L’Enfant needs some of (…)
  • Star Wars - Episode III (English Corner)

    Star Wars - Episode III (English Corner)

    Yes, it is a pleasure to say that I found this episode worked perfectly. All the questions are now answered. It is worth congratulating George Lucas in bringing his epic to a satisfying conclusion. Revenge of the Sith moves right into action. There is quite a lot of ‘whizz whizz bang bang’ in the opening battles. Special effects are much (…)
  • A History of Violence (English Corner)

    A History of Violence (English Corner)

    David Cronenberg has been exploring all kinds of themes of violence for more than thirty years. He began with parasites and rabid plagues and broods, segued into more mainstream styles with Videodrome and The Dead Zone, but always veered towards the bizarre from Dead Ringers and Naked Lunch to ExistenZ and Spider. Which means that some (…)
  • Batalla en el cielo (English Corner)

    Batalla en el cielo (English Corner)

    It might be useful to ask the reasons for the resounding ovation at the end of the screening. Enthusiastic and supportive Mexicans ? An insightful portrait of contemporary Mexico City ? A stylish piece of cinema ? Or, more than perhaps, that the director was extending boundaries in depictions of up-front, in-your-face sexual sequences ? (…)
  • Manderlay


    Les Américains étaient-ils prêts pour l’abolition de l’esclavage ? Les esclaves eux-mêmes y étaient-ils préparés ? Ce sont les deux questions en miroir posées par Lars Von Trier dans cette sorte de conte philosophique où il reprend la suite et le dispositif visuel (on pourrait presque dire scènique) de Dogville : un plateau avec un minimum de (…)