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  • Blue Valentine

    Blue Valentine

    Malgré un excellent jeu d’acteur, le revirement psychologique de la jeune femme ne me semble pas entièrement plausible. Certes, un avortement, même avorté si j’ose dire, laisse toujours des blessures profondes. Certes, sa relation avec son père ne lui avait pas permis de s’accomplir en tant que femme (sa mère lui confie que son propre mari ne (…)
  • Des hommes et des dieux

    Des hommes et des dieux

    Le principe du film, retracer les derniers mois vécus par les moines de Tibéhirine, alors que monte inexorablement la menace islamiste, est une gageure, un pari risqué. Le résultat est une réussite, disons-le sans ambages. Peut être que les chrétiens croyants apprécieront plus pleinement le message spirituel et humain, mais des non-croyants (…)
  • Copie conforme (Certified Copy)

    Copie conforme (Certified Copy)

    ‘What was that all about ?’ is a fair question. ‘Who was that all about ?’ may be an even fairer question. This is really a cinema essay, verbal and visual, about art and perceptions of art, about life and about fantasy. It is celebrated Iranian director, Abbas Kiarostami, making a non-Iranian film and a film outside Iran. A British writer on (…)
  • Tamara Drewe

    Tamara Drewe

    For over 40 years, director Stephen Frears has been surprising audiences with the range of his films. According to his comments, this time he surprised himself. While the credits say the film is based on a graphic novel by Posy Simmonds (which itself took its cue from Thomas Hardy’s also Dorset-set Far From the Madding Crowd), Frears keeps (…)
  • Des hommes et des dieux

    Des hommes et des dieux

    One of the finest religious films, and one of the best Catholic films, in years. The subject is the Trappist community of Mt Atlas, Algeria, in the 1990s. Seven of them were killed in the latter part of May, 1996. While the film expertly builds up the background of post-colonial Algeria, corrupt government, extreme Islamists, the role of the (…)