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  • Kiss of Life

    Kiss of Life

    A film that is both modest and ambitious. Emily Young, who also wrote the screenplay, wants to explore a London family and its relationships as well as remind us of the 90s wars in the Balkans. She also wants to explore the impact of death and dramatically speculate on possibilities of limbo and purgatorial experiences. And all within 86 (…)
  • Tiresia


    It helps to have some background on the classical character, Tiresias, the blind hermaphrodite prophet of Thebes, and the various legends that led to his/her being blinded. Perhaps it won’t, because many audiences will not have the patience to stay with the first half - and, if they do, and are satisfied with a forty minute section which (…)
  • Le temps du loup

    Le temps du loup

    It helps to have some background on the classical character, Tiresias, the blind hermaphrodite prophet of Thebes, and the various legends that led to his/her being blinded. Perhaps it won’t, because many audiences will not have the patience to stay with the first half - and, if they do, and are satisfied with a forty minute section which (…)
  • Des plumes dans la tête

    Des plumes dans la tête

    Au commissariat ils attendent, impatients, "qu’on s’occupe d’eux". Au mur un puzzle dans lequel il manque une pièce... L’existence était belle et pleine de tendresse entre tous les trois jusqu’au jour où Arthur, leur jeune enfant, comme un petit prince parti "en migration"... "Bonjour Monsieur..." La vie ornithologique dans le terrain en (…)
  • Tiresia


    Prenez le mythe grec de Tiresias, ajoutez un long générique sur coulée de lave, saupoudrez de Beethoven. Faites durer le tout et mettez quelques très longues scènes, notamment au Bois de Boulogne, parmi les travestis brésiliens. N’oubliez pas la pure jeune fille, silencieuse, belle et douce, qui soigne le malheureux héros aux yeux crevés. (…)