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Hors compétition
Triangle (English Corner)

Film : hong-kongais.
Genre : Action.
Durée : 1h41.
Date de Sortie : 12 Décembre 2007.
Avec : Simon Yam, Louis Koo, Kelly Lin.
Réalisé par : Ringo Lam, Johnny To, Tsui Hark.

La vie n’est pas facile pour Sam, Fai et Mok, trois amis qui se démènent pour joindre les deux bouts, jusqu’à ce soir d’orage où un mystérieux vieillard vient les trouver dans un bar en leur proposant de devenir riche rapidement. Un antique trésor serait enterré sous un bâtiment du gouvernement, placé sous haute surveillance.

(L'avis exprimé par les rédacteurs de cette rubrique est indépendant du travail et des choix du Jury oecuménique.)

Six screenwriters and three directors for this Hong Kong crime drama that any of the directors could have made with little effort. But, they seem to have decided to go for broke.
During the first hour one is wondering whether to simply say that characters and treatment are bordering on the absurd. However, the final thirty minutes go over the border and one is left, open-mouthed at what is going on, debating whether ridiculous or ludicrous are words to describe the ‘beyond-absurd’.
Even Tarantino who admires their work might pause for assessment – but, then again, he probably wouldn’t after the Kill Bill spectacles and Grindhouse.
There is a crime. There are three men in need of money who carry out a crime. There is a policeman who is having an affair with the wife of one of them – and she is beyond crackers ! There are triad types. There is a policeman on a pushbike. There is a mentally retarded tyre repairer. And, somehow or other, they finish up all trying to kill each other or to get possession of some antique treasures in a plastic bag, of which there are several mistakenly flying about.
It’s time for them all to get back to the normal crime thrillers they do so well.